Remix vs Next.js
An objective comparison between Remix and Next.js
An objective comparison between Remix and Next.js
Remix takes the idea of “one-way data flow” and extends it across the network, so your UI truly is a function of state: from the client to the server and back again.
“The edge” isn’t just about static assets anymore. It’s increasingly becoming a place for dynamic assets resulting from compute. Remix is taking full advantage of this next generation of edge computing.
The web ecosystem can feel like it moves too fast sometimes. We're sensitive to that at Remix so we've designed it with your future in mind. Get good at Remix, get better at the web.
Decoupling data-fetching from rendering introduces some complexities if you want to lazily load your route components. Check out how the newly introduced `route.lazy()` method helps solve this to keep your app bundles small and your UX snappy!
We've introduced the concept of future flags to give you a smooth upgrade path for your Remix app.
A new package helps you upgrade from React Router v5 to v6 incrementally
Learn how to implement internationalization (i18n) in your Remix project. Discover the significance of i18n, gain an understanding of the core principles, and learn various strategies for effective i18n management with Remix.
Remix is joining Shopify
Introducing Fog of War: infinitely scalable Remix and React Router applications
The second major release of Remix is stable today.
Join us in Salt Lake City, UT for our innaugural conference. Featuring distinguished speakers, workshops, and lots of fun in between. See you there!
Today we’re announcing that unstable support for Vite is available in Remix v2.2.0!
A case study on how Shopify rapidly built a web version of their popular iOS/Android app Shop with Remix
Apps that depend on Webpack loaders and plugins weren't able to incrementally migrate to Remix. Until now!
Remix picked up where React Router v3 left off, and now almost everything great about Remix is coming back to React Router!
React Router v7 brings all the great things you love from Remix back to React Router
React Router v7 will provide an incremental path to the entire, full stack feature set of React. Upgrading from to React Router v7 is non-breaking for both React Router v6 and Remix v2.
React Router 6.4 was released today, adding all of data loading, data mutation, pending navigation, and error handling APIs from Remix to every React Router app.
We've been building a bridge from React Router to Remix, and we made it so good that we're going to merge the two projects.
We're completely opening up our development process, join us!
Introducing the easiest way to create a ready-to-deploy, production grade, fast web application with Remix.
We brought all the Remix goodies over to React Router and made improvements in the process. Now it's time to bring those improved APIs back over to Remix where they started!
Remix picked up where React Router v3 left off, and now almost everything great about Remix is coming back to React Router!
An objective comparison between Remix and Next.js
Remix takes the idea of “one-way data flow” and extends it across the network, so your UI truly is a function of state: from the client to the server and back again.
“The edge” isn’t just about static assets anymore. It’s increasingly becoming a place for dynamic assets resulting from compute. Remix is taking full advantage of this next generation of edge computing.
The web ecosystem can feel like it moves too fast sometimes. We're sensitive to that at Remix so we've designed it with your future in mind. Get good at Remix, get better at the web.
Decoupling data-fetching from rendering introduces some complexities if you want to lazily load your route components. Check out how the newly introduced `route.lazy()` method helps solve this to keep your app bundles small and your UX snappy!
We've introduced the concept of future flags to give you a smooth upgrade path for your Remix app.