repository / github.com2023-12-07kiliman/remix-vite-templateRemix template with Vite, Tailwind CSS, and support
repository / github.com2024-05-08dev-xo/remix-saasA Lightweight, Production-Ready Remix Stack for your next SaaS Application.
repository / github.com2022-02-04danestves/✨ My portfolio built with Remix, Tailwind, Prisma, and
repository / github.com2022-07-03jacob-ebey/remix-webpack-cliA CLI for building applications with Webpack.
repository / github.com2021-12-24gmencz/OneClipShare your clipboard with people nearby. No Setup, No Signup.
repository / github.com2023-05-16epicweb-dev/epic-stackThis is a Full Stack app starter with the foundational things setup and configured for you to hit the ground running on your next EPIC idea.
repository / github.com2022-11-15jacob-ebey/remix-dashboard-templateA template to get you up and building a dashboard in Remix.
repository / github.com2022-03-21remix-run/blues-stackThe Remix Stack for deploying to Fly with PostgreSQL, authentication, testing, linting, formatting, etc.
others / www.cartes.dev2022-04-15Full-Stack Remix - Express | Blog | Cartes DevelopmentIn this post I would like to share my experience creating a Full-Stack application with a backend decoupled from Remix. Stack: Remix, Express, NodeJS, JWT, Refresh Tokens, Redis, Prisma, PostgreSQL, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, AWS RDS, and a few others.
repository / github.com2022-04-02Girish21/speed-metal-stackThe Remix Blog Stack for deploying to Fly with MDX, SQLite, testing, linting, formatting, etc.
repository / github.com2022-03-21BenMcH/techno-stackThe Remix Stack for deploying to Kubernetes, talking to an existing Postgres Db, authentication, testing, linting, formatting, etc.
others / payloadcms.com2022-12-09Remix, Payload in a Single Express Server MonorepoExample of a monorepo including a Remix and Payload application communicating through the Local API, served by the same Express server.
repository / github.com2022-07-27kiliman/remix-error-loggingPatch to add server side error logging support to Remix
others / 🚚 Vite: Migrating Remix apps to Vite ⚡️Vite announcement blog post 👉 Migration guide 👉 Vite announcement discussion 👉 0:00 - Migrating the default template 2:19 - Migrating the Express template 5:11 - Migrating the Indie Stack
repository / github.com2022-11-12jacobparis/remix-nx-flyAn example of running multiple Remix apps in an Nx integrated monorepo, each with their own Dockerfile and deployed independently based on affected changes
repository / github.com2022-05-16jacob-ebey/remix-cloudflare-worker-templateRemix + Cloudflare Workers + DO + Turborepo
repository / github.com2021-12-24jacob-ebey/remix-css-modulesExample of using CSS modules with