others / www.youtube.com2024-01-08

What is Remix.run exactly???

We go into what Remix.run is exactly, how it works under the hood and how it improves your DX and makes your users fall in love with your website. If you wish to support the channel consider subscribing for more content. Twitter: https://twitter.com/AlemTuzlak59192 Github: https://github.com/AlemTuzlak Blog: https://alemtuzlak.hashnode.dev/ 00:00 - Introduction to Remix.run 02:08 - How does Remix operate on a server 06:30 - Server framework deep dive 09:08 - Browser framework overview 11:17 - Outro

others / www.youtube.com2023-11-17

The Remix Philosophy is not Just for Remix | Ken Snyder | Conf42 JavaScript 2023

Read the abstract ➤ https://www.conf42.com/JavaScript_2023_Ken_Snyder_remix_philosophy Other sessions at this event ➤ https://www.conf42.com/js2023 Join Discord ➤ https://discord.gg/DnyHgrC7jC Remix Demo - Shopping List ➤ https://github.com/kensnyder/remix-demo-shopping-list Chapters 0:00 intro 0:22 preamble 0:31 what we'll cover 0:48 about ken 1:27 why should you care? 2:02 let's create a real remix app 13:18 try it on github 13:27 outlet 14:20 more complex forms 16:29 philosophy: embrace server/client model 17:21 bundles 18:13 single page app 18:39 remix app 20:10 server & runtime adapters 20:41 official list 21:23 work with web foundations 21:43 standards 23:09 request, response 23:48 fetch loves requests & response 24:26 headers 25:28 url search params 26:13 traditional react components 27:11 more traditional react page 27:46 ...or just use remix 28:07 work without js 30:11 demo without js 31:15 roadmap and future flags 31:43 roadmap highlights 32:47 future flags 34:08 applying the philosophy outside remix 35:11 we chose a new mindset 36:14 hello shoreline 36:26 thank you

others / www.youtube.com2023-09-12

I might be enjoying Remix more than Next

📘 T3 Stack Tutorial: https://1017897100294.gumroad.com/l/jipjfm 🤖 SaaS I'm Building: https://www.icongeneratorai.com/ ✂️ Background Cutter: https://www.backgroundcutter.com/ 💬 Discord: https://discord.gg/4kGbBaa 🔔 Newsletter: https://newsletter.webdevcody.com/ 📁 GitHub: https://github.com/webdevcody 📺 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/webdevcody 🤖 Website: https://webdevcody.com 🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/webdevcody

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"Web beyond the edge" by Igor Minar & Nevi Shah at #RemixConf 2023 💿

Edge computing is increasingly being adopted by web developers these days to improve UX and decrease latency of their applications. Cloudflare Workers, Deno Deploy, Netlify Edge Functions, and Vercel Edge Functions, all have made edge computing available to developers of full stack applications. With this adoption new architectural patterns and anti-patterns for building web applications have emerged. In this talk we’ll cover how developers can utilize edge computing to build full-stack applications and what are the strengths and weaknesses of this approach. We’ll also look into the future — beyond the edge, and explore how thinking of the network as the computer will fundamentally change the architecture of web applications in order to make building planet-scale applications accessible to everyone. Speaker Bio: Nevi Shah is a Product Manager at Cloudflare. She works on Cloudflare Pages and Cloudflare D1. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/nevi-shah Speaker Bio: Igor Minar is a software engineer at Cloudflare and co-creator of AngularJS, Angular, and Karma. He has spent the last 15 years helping developers by building infrastructure, APIs, and tooling for the Web. Igor built some of the biggest web development communities during his time at Google. He collaborated with the TypeScript team to bring type-checking and better tooling to developers, as well as browser vendors to design and improve web APIs. He has also worked to establish pragmatic best practices in the web ecosystem by creating conventional commits and many evergreen libraries. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/igor-minar

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"Use Remix to ship faster/build ambitiously with great UX" by Clifford Fajardo at #RemixConf 2023 💿

I will discuss some of the things we've built at LinkedIn with Remix, why we chose it over other alternatives, our incremental migration story and how Remix is enabling us to ship faster & more ambitious web UIs for our users. Whether your an indie hacker, working at startup or large company, and are interested in moving to Remix, this talk is for you. Speaker Bio: Clifford Fajardo is a full-stack software engineer at LinkedIn where he works on infrastructure tools.He has worked at both startups and other large companies, including Salesforce. In his spare time you might find Clifford contributing to open source, hiking trails in the Bay Area, or eating at his favorite pizza shop: Bronco Billy's Pizza. He has a twin brother and is a proud Nicaraguan-American 🇳🇮 https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/clifford-fajardo

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"Remixing MDX to Create More Accessible Content" by Monica Powell at #RemixConf 2023 💿

An exploration of how using MDX with Remix enhances the Markdown authoring experience, unlocks an ecosystem of tools to improve accessibility, and enables developers to craft more customized content experiences. This talk will walk through multiple ways MDX can be incorporated into a Remix site and provides examples of leveraging MDX to strengthen the usability and accessibility of content. Speaker Bio: Monica Powell is a software engineer who is passionate about making contributing to open-source more approachable, creating technology to elevate people, and building community. You can find her developing educational technology as a Senior Software Engineer at Newsela, teaching web development, and contributing to open-source projects. GitHub recognized her as an inaugural GitHub Star based on her involvement in the tech community. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/monica-powell

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"Remix API" by Shane Walker at #RemixConf 2023 💿

Using Remix to create a stand alone API is simple, fast and really fun! In just a couple minutes you can stand up a super straight forward API. This can let folks dip their toe into the wonderful world of remix without rewriting their front end. Speaker Bio: Shane Walker is a self-taught developer with a passion for learning new things and watching them come to life. From his first “Hello World” app, he was hooked. He is invigorated by solving problems in code. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/shane-walker

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"(Ab)use the Platform!" by Jon Jensen at #RemixConf 2023 💿

As any Remixologist will tell you, modern web apps are just pages/links/forms layered in spinners/latency/jank. If that's true, we should use Remix and web fundamentals everywhere to build better experiences! But what about highly interactive apps with streaming data and visualizations? Just how far should we push the envelope? Let's find out! In this talk, we'll implement a multi-user musical instrument with Remix, (ab)using things like: - Forms and FormData - Web Audio - Browser history - Progressive enhancement - Full stack components - Response and Server-sent events Speaker Bio: Jon Jensen is a Senior Software Engineer at Netflix working to improve the developer experience for other UI engineers. Previously he worked at Amazon and Instructure, working on all things software-y. In his spare time he's usually in the mountains, playing Minecraft with his kids, or following the Red Food Truck around Salt Lake City. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/jon-jensen

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"Good Bye Spinners: Enhancing UX with Optimistic UI" by Giovanni Benussi at #RemixConf 2023 💿

Most of the time our API calls work, so why don’t assume that they’ll do and provide a seamless experience? Optimistic UI means to simulate a positive response from the server before receiving one. This talk will introduce examples of optimistic UIs, highlight their benefits, and provide guidance on incorporating them into our applications. Speaker Bio: Giovanni Benussi has been a full-stack developer for more than 12 years. He started working on Ruby on Rails, eventually working on new features, maintenance, and scalability for the framework. Nowadays he works primarily with React. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/giovanni-benussi

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"Remixing Constraint Validation" by Edmund Hung at #RemixConf 2023 💿

The Remix Form and Action have drastically simplified our forms. While it's easy to validate form data on the server, people have always been searching for a good client-side form validation solution. What if we could use the platform to implement simple client-side validation without adding another dependency? In this talk, we'll explore how to utilize the Constraint Validation API to provide a modern form validation experience in Remix. Speaker Bio: Edmund Hung is a senior web developer from Hong Kong who works on the global online food-ordering and delivery platform, Delivery Hero. He maintains Remix Guide and is currently building Conform, a form validation library focusing on progressive enhancement. In his spare time, he enjoys cycling and gaming. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/edmund-hung

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"Fast, responsive native mobile apps powered by Remix & defer" by Oscar Newman at #RemixConf 2023 💿

Get advanced with `defer` and other Remix features to power a lag-free, web-based native app, without giving up Remix's data loading and mutations on the server. Chasing the dream of write-once/run-anywhere by wrapping your website in a native app shell? Scared that a great Remix website won't feel as snappy as the instant transitions of your old SPA? Fear not—by being smart with `defer` and leveraging the browser platform, you can power a spinner-free website and super-speedy native app from the same routes. Speaker Bio: Oscar Newman is a product and design-focused software engineer working on consumer healthcare experiences at Solv Health, where he has led a team-wide migration to Remix. He's passionate about consumer healthcare and building compelling user experiences. He's dabbled in design systems and front-end tooling, and is terrible at algorithms and most coding interviews. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/oscar-newman

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"Let 70%+ of the users in the world to access your apps" by Arisa Fukuzaki at #RemixConf 2023 💿

Accessibility, better DX, and performance get a lot of attention as it improves better UX significantly. Plus, it gives satisfaction to devs by seeing the significant improvements. But how about internationalization? A fun fact: Over 70% of the users in the world access non-English content. In this talk, I'll show you more surprising facts about internationalization and what are scalable approaches. You'll see examples with libraries for frameworks with a few different logic to implement different internationalization layouts. Speaker Bio: Accessibility, better DX, and performance get a lot of attention as it improves better UX significantly. Plus, it gives satisfaction to devs by seeing the significant improvements. But how about internationalization? A fun fact: Over 70% of the users in the world access non-English content. In this talk, I'll show you more surprising facts about internationalization and what are scalable approaches. You'll see examples with libraries for frameworks with a few different logic to implement different internationalization layouts. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/arisa-fukuzaki Note: due to technical difficulties during Arisa's talk at the conference, Arisa was invited to run through her talk again later that evening. This video is that up-to-date version.

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"Video Editing in the Browser" by Christoher Chedeau at #RemixConf 2023 💿

Video editing is a booming market with influencers being all the rage with Reels, TikTok, Youtube. Did you know that browsers now have all the APIs to do video editing in the browser? In this talk I'm going to give you a primer on how video encoding works and how to make it work within the browser. Spoiler, it's not trivial! Speaker Bio: Christopher Chedeau is the co-creator of React Native and Prettier, and the creator of React Conf, Excalidraw, and Yoga (the layout engine, not the one where you stretch a lot). https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/christopher-chedeau

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"React Core Panel" by Joe Savona, Ricky Hanlon, Dan Abramov, & Michael Jackson at #RemixConf 2023 💿

A panel Q&A discussion at Remix Conf with the React team and Michael Jackson. Speaker Bio: Joe was planning to major in math and philosophy but got into computer science after writing physics simulations in Matlab. Prior to React, he worked on Relay, RSocket JS, and the Skip programming language. While he’s not building some sort of reactive system he enjoys running, studying Japanese, and spending time with his family. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/joe-savona Speaker Bio: Dan is a software engineer on the React team at Meta. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/dan-abramov Speaker Bio: Ricky majored in theoretical math and spent his early career working at startups and the Jest core team. In 2018 he joined Meta and somehow found himself on the React team. When he's not pushing bugs to your React code you can find him tweeting, skiing, golfing, or closing GitHub issues that do not match the issue template. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/ricky-hanlon Speaker Bio: Michael is the co-creator of Remix. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/michael-jackson

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"The Epic Stack" by Kent C. Dodds at #RemixConf 2023 💿

Modern web development is fantastic. There are so many great tools available! Modern web development is exhausting. There are so many great tools available! Each of these sentiments is true. What’s great is that most of the time, it’s hard to make a choice that is wrong. Seriously. The trade-offs of most of the frameworks and tools you could use to build your application fit within the constraints of the vast majority of apps. Despite this, engineers consistently struggle with analysis paralysis. Let's talk about this, and a solution I am working on for it. Speaker Bio: Kent C. Dodds is a world renowned speaker, teacher, and trainer and he's actively involved in the open source community as a maintainer and contributor of hundreds of popular npm packages. He is the creator of EpicWeb.dev, EpicReact.Dev, and TestingJavaScript.com. He's an instructor on egghead.io and Frontend Masters. He's also a Google Developer Expert. Kent is married and the father of four kids. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/kent-c-dodds

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"Lightning Fast E-Commerce: Remix with Shopify Hydrogen" by Alexa Spalato at #RemixConf 2023 💿

Join us for a thrilling ride as we explore the world of headless e-commerce with Shopify Hydrogen! This tech stack is taking the e-commerce industry by storm, and in this talk, we'll show you just how easy and fun it is to build a high-performance online store using Hydrogen's ready-to-use React components. From creating collections and products to implementing a shopping cart, we'll cover it all and give you the tools you need to elevate your developer experience. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn the ins and outs of Shopify Hydrogen and see firsthand how it can revolutionize your e-commerce projects. Speaker Bio: Alexandra Spalato is a Developer Relations engineer at Storyblok. She was born and raised in France and lives now on the beautiful Spanish island of Mallorca. While working as a freelance developer and entrepreneur, she decided to fully specialize in the JAM Stack. She is an advocate for headless architecture and has taken that advocacy full time at Storyblok. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/alexandra-spalato

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"Accelerating Web Development with Mock Service Worker" by Sean McQuaid at #RemixConf 2023 💿

Mock Service Worker (MSW) is a powerful tool for speeding up development and testing by intercepting and modifying network requests. In this talk, we will explore the benefits of using MSW and how it can be leveraged to streamline your development process. We will cover best practices for implementing MSW, including how to use it for both testing and local development. Additionally, we will discuss real-world examples of how MSW has been used to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of development teams. Speaker Bio: Sean McQuaid is a Senior Software Engineer on the Customer Technology Solutions team at Chick-fil-A. Prior to learning how to code, he attended music school and played the trumpet professionally for over a decade. Sean is very passionate about testing, performance, and tools that provide a good developer experience. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/sean-mcquaid

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"A Fist Full of Data: Web Performance, and Data on The Web" by Henri Helvetica at #RemixConf 2023 💿

It’s 2023, and we have witnessed significant advancements in the web platform. Much of that came from innovation, pushing the web to unimaginable capabilities. This has also sadly come at the unimaginable costs to user experience and web performance. A Fist Full of Data is an eye opening talk about data on the web, and the modern means used to mitigate the user experience malaise. Speaker Bio: Henri is a freelance developer who has turned his interests to a passionate mix of site performance engineering and pinches of user experience. When not reading the deluge of daily research docs and case studies, or indiscriminately auditing sites in devtools, Henri can be found contributing back to the community, co-programming meetups including the Toronto Web Performance Group or volunteering his time for lunch and learns at various bootcamps. Otherwise, he’s focusing on running the fastest 5k possible. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/henri-helvetica

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"How to Build Accessible React Components" by Catherine Johnson at #RemixConf 2023 💿

Hope you are strapped in for some accessibility! In this session we will breakdown how you can use built-in React tools and web accessibility guidelines to create flexible and accessible components for your website. Speaker Bio: Cat Johnson is a Software Engineer at Microsoft who has worked for more than six years in the industry. She works on React Web Components and focuses on building accessible technology. Cat loves to talk about and teach how to create more accessible and inclusive web applications. She hosts a podcast discussing new technology and how it can create a positive social impact in our world today. She firmly believes that technology can be used to create a more inclusive and equitable world as long as we keep it in check. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/cat-johnson

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"Next gen HMR in Remix" by Pedro Cattori at #RemixConf 2023 💿

How does Remix update your browser in dev? It's more than just watch mode, live reload, or even HMR. Let's dive into how Remix offers a world-class dev experience. Speaker Bio: Pedro Cattori is a software engineer on the Remix team at Shopify. He lives in Washington, D.C. He works on the Remix compiler, dev server, TypeScript integration, and writing algorithms that the rest of the team pretends to understand and prefers to never look at. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/pedro-cattori

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"Convince your boss to use Remix" by Andre Landgraf at #RemixConf 2023 💿

Do you currently feel stuck and limited working on a React SPA? It is time to sit down with the decision-makers at your company and convince them to unlock the full potential of the web platform with Remix. In this talk, I want to make 5 points to convince your boss to try Remix. You might have already fallen in love with the Remix-way of building for the web, but you will need a business case with solid business incentives to make your boss pay attention. Let’s build one together! Speaker Bio: Andre Landgraf is a full-stack developer from Germany. He currently lives in Cupertino, CA and works for LinkedIn. At work, Andre is known as the Remix guy. He is passionate about building for the web and enjoys learning, writing, and teaching about it. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/andre-landgraf

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"Web Performance Testing: Choosing between RUM and Lab Tests" by Erick Tamayo at #RemixConf 2023 💿

What is the difference between Real User Monitoring (RUM) and Lab tests (Lighthouse), and why are both important to deliver a great user experience. Speaker Bio: Erick Tamayo is a Senior Front-end developer at Shopify. He also created Metronome, a tool for real user monitoring (RUM) specifically for Remix. Erick has been following Remix since its creation in 2020 and decided to join the community in 2021. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/erick-tamayo

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"The Little Remix Site that Could" by Brandon Kish at #RemixConf 2023 💿

It started life as a create-react-app landing page in front of a vendor’s SaaS app that got an instant SEO upgrade with Remix v1.1.1’s server side rendering, and it’s never looked back. Need an unauthenticated version of “portal” content before the SaaS vendor supported it? Remix made that easy. Need to migrate content from a 25 year old on-premise vendor solution to a 10 year old on-premise vendor solution but want a modern user experience? We import the vendor’s design library into Remix and handoff the .NET app’s existing user sessions to Remix by POSTing JWTs. Remix is filling the gaps for Schoolcraft College and leveraging a hodgepodge of APIs and creaky old databases. Higher education development can be fun! Speaker Bio: Brandon Kish is a web developer at Schoolcraft College in Livonia, Michigan. He previously taught web design to community college students and misses the CSS Zen Garden. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/brandon-kish

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"Get Rich Quick: AI-Powered Remix Apps" by Andrew Petersen at #RemixConf 2023 💿

Want to get rich? Step 1: Buy *.ai domain Step 2: Create pitch deck and start picking out private jets You've already got your Remix app, now just layer on some OpenAI GPT-3/4 so you can justify one of those .ai domains and raise a bunch of money. We'll look at how to utilize a Large Language Model (LLM) in a Remix app. We'll unpack some interesting performance constraints, and identify the technical mechanics to work around them. Speaker Bio: Andrew Petersen is a full-stack developer with over a decade of professional experience. He excels at leading development teams and collaborating with non-technical stakeholders. When not coding, you can find him in the backcountry with his wife and two dogs. Their favorite spots are in southern Utah and Idaho's Sawtooth mountains. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/andrew-petersen

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"Remixing Community" by Brooks Lybrand at #RemixConf 2023 💿

How do you build community? Especially around a web framework on the cusp of a public v1 release right as society is reopening after a global pandemic? It's not too dissimilar from building a website: trial and error, continuous delivery, teamwork, and a lot of optimism and emojis 😅 In this talk I will share the history and lessons learned from building the Remix Austin meetup. How we went from a single meeting of 2 people in a loud bar, to a community of engineers of varying experience who regularly meet to share demos, talks, and even build a website together. My hope is that our trial and error will be inspiration for anyone trying to build their own tech community. Additionally I hope to encourage the larger Remix community to continue building better websites by cultivating a culture of sharing and connectedness. Speaker Bio: Brooks Lybrand is a Senior Web Engineer for H-E-B, [what he believes is] the best grocery store in the world [okay, at least in Texas]. Brooks specializes in building proof-of-concepts, evaluating tools, and creating highly interactive, data-rich applications. He enjoys exploring new ideas and technologies to help create better experiences for both developers and end-users. When not writing code, he loves spending time with his wife and dogs, camping, playing board games, and pretending he knows what he's talking about when it comes to coffee and mixed drinks. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/brooks-lybrand

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"Remixing Hydrogen - Lessons learnt embracing the platform" by JP Prieto at #RemixConf 2023 💿

34 years ago HTTP was born, 9 years later HTML v2 added the form element and at about the same time Ruby on Rails showed us the power of server-side mutations with semantic URLs. Along the way, we went full SPA and embraced everything-client. It’s now 2023, a time to leverage the best practices of the past and Remix some classics. Join me as I dive into what it was like to swap our homegrown react framework with Remix and how this change will impact Shopify headless commerce codebases, patterns and performance in the future. Speaker Bio: I'm a Full-stack engineer with a decade of experience developing highly performing e-commerce applications for agencies and brands such as Cuts Clothing, Vuori, Liquid IV amongst many others. Currently, I am a member of the Hydrogen team at Shopify where our focus is to deliver the best framework and tools for developing headless commerce applications. I am passionate about web standards, React and of course Remix. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/jp-prieto

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"When things go wrong, get errors right!" by Glenn Reyes at #RemixConf 2023 💿

When we build web applications, pretty much always the fun part of it is the happy path: That everything works! But what if something goes wrong? It’s so easy to oversee all the error instances which naturally leads to not covering them well enough. Let’s discuss challenges about errors and explore patterns and tools that can help us make better user experiences when things go wrong. Speaker Bio: Glenn is a software engineer, tech speaker and workshop instructor with a passion for building innovative products and beautiful user interfaces using cutting edge web technologies and open source software such as React, GraphQL and TypeScript. Aside from tech, you’ll find him either traveling, on a road bike or playing the guitar. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/glenn-reyes

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"Reaching new heights with Remix, Prisma and Google Cloud Run" by Brian Lee at #RemixConf 2023 💿

Let's look at real world look at a migration from a React SPA and self-managed Express API to Remix on Google Cloud Run in a production setting. At Nellis Auction we made the jump and have insights to share with those of you looking to make the switch as well (hint: the performance boost for our customers was dramatic). Speaker Bio: Brian Lee is the VP of Engineering at Nellis Auction, an advisor at Reality Defender, and is currently seeking Masters in Computer Science at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. Brian graduated from UNLV in 2013. Throughout his career he has worked in many areas, including geographic information systems, artificial intelligence, machine learning, custom video streaming, mobile development, and gaming engines. His work has spanned several languages and technologies, but it was always nestled within the web ecosystem. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/brian-lee

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"React Router 6.4 Saved My Side Business" by Cameron Matheson at #RemixConf 2023 💿

I've been running a side business on an old-React/Flux/React Router 3.0 frontend with a Rails backend. Despite being conceptually simple, the frontend was nearly unmaintainable. In this talk we'll explore how React Router data loaders really turned things around for this creaky old site. Speaker Bio: Cameron Matheson likes writing code and hanging out with his family. He's been living in the year of Desktop Linux since 1998. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/cameron-matheson

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"Why I chose Remix and never looked back" by Paul Bratslavsky at #RemixConf 2023 💿

In this talk we'll explore how Remix and a headless CMS enabled me to build a client app in two weeks, and how the same approach can help you deliver faster for your clients or team as well. I'll show how you can cut your development time, empower content editors to manage content without additional coding, and create a dynamic frontend in parallel. Speaker Bio: Developer advocate by day and content creator by night, Paul Bratslavsky loves learning new things and sharing them with others. He is a big fan of everything Javascript—especially Remix and Strapi. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/paul-bratslavsky

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"The Humble Cookie" by Scott Smerchek at #RemixConf 2023 💿

When their inventor, Lou Montulli, came up with the concept for cookies, he couldn’t have known the impact these little packets of data would have on the internet as we know it. Join me in this exciting journey as we uncover the humble beginnings of the HTTP cookie, its maligned use by advertisers, yet evolution into a still quite versatile tool for web developers today. The cookie was unfashionable for a span with Single Page Applications, but with Remix, we can once again easily harness the power of cookies in a secure way. In this talk, we'll dive deep into the world of cookies and explore the variety of ways they can be used in Remix to enhance the user experience and simplify the development process. Whether you're a seasoned developer who remembers the good ol’ days or just starting out, you'll leave with a better understanding of the powerful role cookies play in developing modern web sites with Remix. Speaker Bio: Scott Smerchek lives in Kansas City and works remotely for UDisc, creating web applications to help disc golfers of all abilities. He works primarily with Node.js, PostgresSQL, MongoDB, and React. He is passionate about functional programming—regardless of the language. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/scott-smerchek

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"Remix Live Loader" by Alex Anderson at #RemixConf 2023 💿

Like most things in Remix, realtime data comes with the platform! Server-sent Events let us pass messages from the server to connected clients, making it possible for instant updates when any user makes a change. But how can you use this to make sure every route's data is kept fresh? Enter useLiveLoader, a technique to connect Server-sent Events with useLoaderData to always keep your data fresh. With just one hook, we get the same route data loading as useLoaderData with automatic real-time updates. Let's take a peek at what realtime in Remix looks like, and how to build this kind of hook for your own app. Speaker Bio: Alex Anderson is a software engineer at Echobind, a full-service software agency. He's a maker in many mediums, including code, baked goods, games, tech courses, and music. A spaceship enthusiast, Alex created Thorium: an open-source platform for live-action spaceship bridge simulations. He enjoys building games and puzzles with the web. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/alex-anderson

others / www.youtube.com2023-02-09

Remix NYC — Jan 18, 2023 (Remix with tRPC and React Native) (P IS FOR PERFORMANCE LITERACY)

This is the recording for the Remix NYC meetup on January 18, 2023. Talks: 1. Using Remix with TRPC and React Native to build a sample full stack app by Quentin Geddis (https://twitter.com/quentincwg) 2. P IS FOR PERFORMANCE LITERACY by Henri Helvetica (https://twitter.com/henrihelvetica) More about Remix NYC: - Follow us at https://twitter.com/remix_run_nyc. - We host meetups monthly, free of charge. Check us out here: https://www.meetup.com/remix-nyc/. - Want to give a talk? https://airtable.com/shrHi8P2T3fKmtHh0 - Want to sponsor our meetup? https://airtable.com/shro1qUzBgqaLIGGp Timestamps: 00:00 Start 10:44 Quentin Introduction 11:00 Using Remix with TRPC and React Native to build a sample full stack app 15:39 (Demo) Using Remix with TRPC and React Native to build a sample full stack app 36:00 Henri Introduction 37:00 P IS FOR PERFORMANCE LITERACY 1:28:53 End

others / www.youtube.com2022-12-07

React Streaming In Depth: NextJS! Remix! DIY!

Code: https://github.com/jherr/react-streaming Original React team example code: https://codesandbox.io/s/kind-sammet-j56ro 👉 Practical Module Federation Book: https://module-federation.myshopify.com/products/practical-module-federation 👉 No BS TS (The Book): https://no-bs-ts.myshopify.com/ 👉 I'm a host on the React Round-Up podcast: https://devchat.tv/podcasts/react-round-up/ 👉 Don't forget to subscribe to this channel for more updates: https://bit.ly/2E7drfJ 👉 Discord server signup: https://discord.gg/ddMZFtTDa5 👉 VS Code theme and font? Night Wolf [black] and JETBrains Mono 0:00 Introduction 1:05 Our Example Project 2:43 NextJS 13 Setup 4:26 Non-Streaming Render 6:01 Streaming Render 14:00 Remix Setup 18:22 Streaming Render 23:14 DIY Project Setup 27:06 Adding Client JS 34:06 Streaming Render 37:55 The Big Payoff 41:51 Adding Interactivity 47:24 Outroduction #react #react18 #nextjs13 #nextjs #remix

others / www.youtube.com2022-11-21

Your Personal Remix – Facundo Giuliani, Remix Conf Europe 2022

Remix Conf Europe 2022 #RemixConfEU #GitNation Website – https://remixconf.eu/ Follow the link to watch the full version of all the conference talks, QnA’s with speakers and hands-on workshop recordings → https://portal.gitnation.org/events/remix-conf-europe-2022/ Talk: Your Personal Remix Here and there, people talk about "Personalization". Content creators, marketers, designers, and product owners evaluate the possibilities and alternatives to handle custom scenarios while offering powerful experiences to the users. And we, the developers, have some ways to help with that. Let's talk about personalization, the benefits, the challenges, and how we can manage and offer personalized experiences in our Remix projects. This event would not take place without the support of sponsors: 🏆 Platinum Sponsors Focus Reactive → https://focusreactive.com/ 🥇 Gold Sponsors Storyblok → https://www.storyblok.com/ 🥈 Silver Sponsors Netlify → https://www.netlify.com/

others / www.youtube.com2022-11-21

Remixing How We Give – Sergio Xalambrí, Remix Conf Europe 2022

Remix Conf Europe 2022 #RemixConfEU #GitNation Website – https://remixconf.eu/ Follow the link to watch the full version of all the conference talks, QnA’s with speakers and hands-on workshop recordings → https://portal.gitnation.org/events/remix-conf-europe-2022/ Talk: Remixing How We Give A review of how we're using Remix at Daffy.org to change the way people give to charities. We'll talk about why we decided to use Remix, how we've used it and migrated from our previous frontend application and some patterns and libraries we have developed internally. This event would not take place without the support of sponsors: 🏆 Platinum Sponsors Focus Reactive → https://focusreactive.com/ 🥇 Gold Sponsors Storyblok → https://www.storyblok.com/ 🥈 Silver Sponsors Netlify → https://www.netlify.com/

others / www.youtube.com2022-11-21

Full Stack Components – Kent C. Dodds, Remix Conf Europe 2022

Remix Conf Europe 2022 #RemixConfEU #GitNation Website – https://remixconf.eu/ Follow the link to watch the full version of all the conference talks, QnA’s with speakers and hands-on workshop recordings → https://portal.gitnation.org/events/remix-conf-europe-2022/ Talk: Full Stack Components In this talk, Kent will demonstrate how Remix enables you to build complex UI components that are connected to a backend in the simplest and most powerful way you've ever seen. Leaving you time to chill with your family or whatever else you do for fun 😎. This event would not take place without the support of sponsors: 🏆 Platinum Sponsors Focus Reactive → https://focusreactive.com/ 🥇 Gold Sponsors Storyblok → https://www.storyblok.com/ 🥈 Silver Sponsors Netlify → https://www.netlify.com/

others / www.youtube.com2022-11-21

Fire-side chat on Remix, Remix Conf Europe 2022

Remix Conf Europe 2022 #RemixConfEU #GitNation Website – https://remixconf.eu/ Follow the link to watch the full version of all the conference talks, QnA’s with speakers and hands-on workshop recordings → https://portal.gitnation.org/events/remix-conf-europe-2022/ This event would not take place without the support of sponsors: 🏆 Platinum Sponsors Focus Reactive → https://focusreactive.com/ 🥇 Gold Sponsors Storyblok → https://www.storyblok.com/ 🥈 Silver Sponsors Netlify → https://www.netlify.com/

others / www.youtube.com2022-11-21

Remix Flat Routes – An Evolution in Routing – Michael Carter, Remix Conf Europe 2022

Remix Conf Europe 2022 #RemixConfEU #GitNation Website – https://remixconf.eu/ Follow the link to watch the full version of all the conference talks, QnA’s with speakers and hands-on workshop recordings → https://portal.gitnation.org/events/remix-conf-europe-2022/ Talk: Remix Flat Routes – An Evolution in Routing This talk introduces the new Flat Routes convention that will most likely be the default in a future version of Remix. It simplifies the existing convention as well as gives you new capabilities. This event would not take place without the support of sponsors: 🏆 Platinum Sponsors Focus Reactive → https://focusreactive.com/ 🥇 Gold Sponsors Storyblok → https://www.storyblok.com/ 🥈 Silver Sponsors Netlify → https://www.netlify.com/

others / www.youtube.com2022-11-18

Remix Conf Europe – The Blues Track (free)

Live stream of Remix Conf Europe #RemixConfEU #GitNation The Blues Track – see full agenda here https://remixconf.eu/#schedule To join The Indie Track see tickets options here https://remixconf.eu/#tickets Join Discord for chatting with the community and ask questions to speakers: https://discord.gg/jcXUrRZCQY This event would not take place without the support of sponsors: 🏆 Platinum Sponsors Focus Reactive → https://focusreactive.com/ 🥇 Gold Sponsors Storyblok → https://www.storyblok.com/ 🥈 Silver Sponsors Netlify → https://www.netlify.com/

others / www.youtube.com2022-11-08

Build Better Websites With Remix with Kent C. Dodds

Event Information ​Build Better Websites With Remix ​Event Information ​​​Hey there! We have another cool guest! ​We will be joined by Kent C. Dodds to chat about what's new in Remix and how you can build better websites faster. ​Remix is a full-stack web framework that lets you focus on the user interface and work back through web standards to deliver a fast, slick, and resilient user experience. ​We all know that it is all about releasing and serving your clients. So go to market faster by combining your Remix app with a headless CMS like Strapi. ​​Agenda ​ - What's new in Remix - When should you use it - Nested Routes - Data Loading - Forms and Actions - Best resources to learn Remix - Final thoughts ​It will be fun and exciting. I hope to see you all there.

others / www.youtube.com2022-08-16

Working with Remix Form Data on Netlify

Remix is a JavaScript framework that aims to make creating a production ready application easier than ever. A Remix stack is a template preconfigured with popular tools to get you up and running faster. Netlify's templates team created the K-Pop Stack that integrates Remix with Tailwind CSS for styling and Supabase as the database. Brittney Postma is hosting with Kent C. Dodds, co-founder and Director of Developer Experience at Remix, to build a site using the K-Pop Stack, showing how form data works in Remix, and deploying it all to Netlify. Join them for a live coding session. We'll try to field questions as we go and learn how to take your sites to the next level with Remix and Netlify. - K-Pop Stack (https://kpop-stack.netlify.app/) - Netlify (https://netlify.com/) - Remix (https://remix.run/)

others / www.youtube.com2022-08-16

Supabase Happy Hour #15 - Supabase File Storage in Remix

Supabase is an extremely powerful and cheap option for building your next big startup idea. In this series, Jon Meyers, Alaister Young and Tyler Shukert demonstrate how to build a SaaS product using Remix and Supabase 💰 This week we dive deep into Supabase File Storage and Remix. We build our own custom upload handler using the experimental `unstable_parseMultipartFormData`, `unstable_composeUploadHandlers` and `unstable_createMemoryUploadHandler` APIs, and define a relationship between our entries and their uploaded files, using the Array column type in PostgreSQL. 00:00 Starting soon 00:50 Introductions 03:17 Supabase Launch Week 10:49 Supabase Hackathon 23:43 Reviewing community PR 34:40 Uploading files in Remix Action 55:30 Array column type in PostgreSQL 01:03:26 Creating signed URLs for private files 01:32:38 Displaying signed URL images in UI 01:57:23 Social links 02:01:01 Thanks for watching GitHub Repo: https://github.com/dijonmusters/happy-days Wanna have a say in what we build? Join us live every Thursday 5pm PT / 8pm ET ⌚️ Follow the Supabase Happy Hour team 🙌 🦘 Jon Meyers: https://twitter.com/jonmeyers_io 🍣 Tyler Shukert: https://twitter.com/dshukertjr 🐨 Alaister: https://twitter.com/alaisteryoung Resources 🧠 Supabase Launch Week 5 - https://supabase.com/launch-week Supabase Hackathon - https://supabase.com/blog/launch-week-5-hackathon Supabase Gold Cap - https://store.supabase.com/products/gold-supacap Supabase File Storage docs - https://supabase.com/docs/guides/storage Remix Upload Handler docs - https://remix.run/docs/en/v1/api/remix#unstable_parsemultipartformdata Dashibase's Lotion - https://lotion.dashibase.com/ Happy Chat 💬 Did you miss us building out a multi-platform realtime chat app with Supabase, Next.js and Flutter? Check out this playlist 💯 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOSrPDtvvaQ&list=PL5S4mPUpp4OvEgxBhoVxXb5YS1ZAZih2l --- Learn more about Supabase 👇 🕸 Website: https://supabase.com/ 🎥 YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/supabase 🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/supabase/ 👾 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/supabase_tv 📄 Docs: https://supabase.com/docs ---

others / www.youtube.com2022-08-05

Remix Meetup July 28th

This Remix Austin meetup took place at the H-E-B Digital & Favor Eastside Tech Hub in Austin, TX on July 28th. We had 3 amazing speakers present! 00:00 Creating a Terms of Service Banner – Brooks Lybrand 11:29 Sending Emails in Cloudflare with Remix Forms – Justin Reynolds 34:42 Headless e-commerce with Medusa, Remix, NX and Tailwind – Jake Ruesink 1:21:39 Goodbye Creating a Terms of Service Banner – Brooks Lybrand The O.G. localStorage—the cookie. Remix makes it super easy to leverage these little guys to do all sorts of things, like drive the state management for a Terms of Service Banner! Repo: https://github.com/brookslybrand/tos-cookie Sending Emails in Cloudflare with Remix Forms – Justin Reynolds Remix gives you full control of your entire stack, which makes creating a service like a contact form with auto email capabilities incredibly easy. Watch as Justin runs through putting all the pieces together for a simple and free solution. Live site: https://remixdevs.com/ Headless e-commerce with Medusa, Remix, NX and Tailwind – Jake Ruesink Jake will show us how he and his team at Lambda Curry are able to effectively and rapidly build awesome ecommerce sites with Remix and MedusaJS Repo: https://github.com/jaruesink/remix-medusa Want to attend future Remix Austin meetups? Join our group to be notified of future events: https://www.meetup.com/remix-austin

others / www.youtube.com2022-08-04

Kent C. Dodds @ ReactNext 22 - Stream Away the Wait

ReactNext 2022 www.react-next.com Israel's Annual React & React-Native conference Powered by EventHandler ----------------------------------------- Stream Away the Wait: When implementing the design of a user interface, we often finish before remembering that not everyone's running the app's services locally on their device. There's going to be network latency, long running database queries, and large datasets that can slow down the experience. We can and should do everything we can to speed things up, but not all of this is within our control. This means we need to start thinking about pending states. But pending UI is terrible. In this talk, Kent will walk us through building a pending experience that is quite delightful. Ultimately taking advantage of React 18's new streaming APIs and a soon-to-be-released API in Remix to give a top-notch user and developer experience. Prepare to have your mind blown. ----------------------------------------- Kent C. Dodds: Kent C. Dodds is a world renowned speaker, teacher, and trainer and he's actively involved in the open source community as a maintainer and contributor of hundreds of popular npm packages. Kent is a Co-Founder and Director of Developer Experience at Remix. He is the creator of EpicReact.Dev and TestingJavaScript.com. He's an instructor on egghead.io and Frontend Masters. He's also a Google Developer Expert. Kent is happily married and the father of four kids. He likes his family, code, JavaScript, and Remix. ----------------------------------------- #javascript #reactjs #programming #software #development #softwaredevelopment

others / www.youtube.com2022-07-15

Supabase Happy Hour #12 - protected/authenticated loaders and actions with Remix and Supabase

Supabase is an extremely powerful and cheap option for building your next big startup idea. In this series, Jon Meyers, Alaister Young and Tyler Shukert demonstrate how to build a SaaS product using Remix and Supabase 💰 This week we implement protected loaders and actions, requiring the user to be signed in with a valid session, before they can navigate to a particular route. Additionally, we create a reusable helper function to wrap around any Remix loader or action to ensure the user is authenticated 🧠 00:00 Starting soon 00:42 Introductions 07:40 Fun facts 17:38 What's new with Supabase 25:20 Recap last week 33:30 withAuth helper 1:02:00 Fixing user for SSR 1:17:47 Entry Detail page 1:34:57 Entry Edit page 2:04:56 Social links 2:06:55 Thanks for watching GitHub Repo: https://github.com/dijonmusters/happy-days Wanna have a say in what we build? Join us live every Thursday 5pm PT / 8pm ET ⌚️ Follow the Supabase Happy Hour team 🙌 🦘 Jon Meyers: https://twitter.com/jonmeyers_io 🍣 Tyler Shukert: https://twitter.com/dshukertjr 🐨 Alaister: https://twitter.com/alaisteryoung Links and resources 🏙 CityJS Singapore (online and in person) - https://singapore.cityjsconf.org/ ☝️ 50% off Level Up Tutorials Pro subscription - https://leveluptutorials.com/pro 💿 Realtime Remix with Supabase - https://leveluptutorials.com/tutorials/realtime-remix-with-supabase 🍪 Session cookies in Remix - https://jonmeyers.io/blog/store-data-in-a-cookie-with-sessions-and-remix 🥚 egghead case study - https://egghead.io/case-studies/jon-meyers 🧙‍♀️ Supabase tips: one to many relationships - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VrF9OVQ6rg Happy Chat 💬 Did you miss us building out a multi-platform realtime chat app with Supabase, Next.js and Flutter? Check out this playlist 💯 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOSrPDtvvaQ&list=PL5S4mPUpp4OvEgxBhoVxXb5YS1ZAZih2l --- Learn more about Supabase 👇 🕸 Website: https://supabase.com/ 🎥 YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/supabase 🐦 Twitter: https://twitter.com/supabase/ 👾 Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/supabase_tv 📄 Docs: https://supabase.com/docs ---

others / www.youtube.com2022-06-06

"Working with Nested Routes and Parameterized Routes" by Aaron Saunders at #RemixConf 💿

We will walk through a simple demonstration of a remix application using nested routes and parameterized routes. The use of nested routes helps me with component design and separation when architecting an application. Parameterized routes / Dynamic Routes contain state information that can through the parameters that are defined on the route. This provides powerful flexibility when designing your app and app's components. Putting the two together in an simple solution to be a reference when you build something amazing. Speaker bio: Aaron is an Information Technology Strategist, Thought Leader, and Diversity and Inclusion Trailblazer - Founder & CEO of Clearly Innovative. He believes technology and in his case coding is an enabler and an equalizer. Aaron has focused a large part of his career training and developing individuals who want to get into tech but cannot find the opening; through the apprenticeship program he ran at Clearly Innovative, teaching web and mobile development at Howard University, and the free technical videos on his Youtube Channel he just want to help others get a seat at the table of tech and innovation. Learn more at https://remix.run/conf/2022/speakers/aaron-k-saunders

others / www.youtube.com2022-06-06

"Remix & High Performance eCommerce" by Sébastien Morel at #RemixConf 💿

Performances are key. That statement is true for any web application but even more for eCommerce applications that convert performances into revenue. Why are eCommerce projects more complex than others? What are the key topics and the special things that you need to take into account when building an eCommerce application in 2022. In this talk we will deep dive into all the things that must be dynamic and how to achieve performances. All explained with a Remix project example. Speaker bio: Sébastien is a passionate and accomplished tech leader and problem-solver with extensive experience in architecture, performance optimizations, development, and system administration. CTO at Crystallize, a super-fast, super modern, super sexy, and super-powerful Headless eCommerce"", he's in charge (among other) of the Developer eXperience initiative. Previously, he led and grew his former web agency for 18 years working on more than 150 projects successfully and proudly implemented, deployed and maintained. Agnostic of the web technology he's using, Sébastien is also an open source maintainer active in the PHP/Symfony community. Learn more at https://remix.run/conf/2022/speakers/s%C3%A9bastien-morel

others / www.youtube.com2022-06-06

"Remixing a Symfony" by Emily Kauffman at #RemixConf 💿

In late 2020, I ran a Lighthouse test on a simple content page on Harvie, our farm management platform and Symfony app, and received a performance score of 31/100. The JavaScript bundle, the API requests, the database lookups, even with minimal UI to render, had a baseline score in the thirties! Along with customer feedback, this helped to catalyze a renewed commitment to performance at Harvie. Through numerous discussions, we walked through each step of page load, from networking to rendering, and identified where we could improve. After a year of rewrites and upgrades, our remaining detriment to overall performance was our frontend. We had been converting our Symfony twig templates into React SPA components and fell into the common problem of creating "request waterfalls", while our user had to stare at a loading screen. We needed a change, and for us, that was Remix. In this talk, I'll walk you through our team's journey with performance and how Remix has become a natural progression of that. Speaker bio: Emily is a Lead Software Engineer based out of Pittsburgh, PA. She's a lifelong learner, adjunct professor, and IoT enthusiast. Emily has a tech background in healthcare, robotics, and more recently, bringing local food to the masses at Harvie. In her spare time, you can find Emily tinkering with her homemade conversion van, scuba diving, or trying her hand at landscape photography. Learn more at https://remix.run/conf/2022/speakers/emily-kauffman

others / www.youtube.com2022-06-06

"Switching to Remix at Neighbor" by Dennis Beatty at #RemixConf 💿

Neighbor is a marketplace that allows you to make extra cash by storing your neighbors' things in your extra space. After several years of using a standard React frontend generated by create-react-app, we've decided to move to Remix. I will discuss some of the crazy things we've done at Neighbor to work around the limitations of a standard CRA-generated application, why we chose to use Remix over other alternatives, and discuss some of the gotchas and learning that came out of the migration. If you work at a medium to large business and are interested in moving to Remix, this talk is especially for you. I will mostly stick to big picture concepts rather than diving deep into the code. Speaker bio: Dennis works as a senior software engineer at Neighbor, a marketplace for self-storage, where he led the switch to Remix. While Dennis works across the entire tech stack, he's especially comfortable with systems architecture and seeing how pieces fit together. He's contributed to open source software in various ways (mostly within the Elixir ecosystem) and has enjoyed sharing some of his learning on his blog and his Youtube channel. Outside of programming Dennis loves spending time with his wife and his daughter who was born this past year, and he also skis, explores Utah's national forests, and shoots photos of the stars. Learn more at https://remix.run/conf/2022/speakers/dennis-beatty

others / www.youtube.com2022-06-06

"Outstanding Search Experiences with Remix and Algolia" by Sarah Dayan at #RemixConf 💿

Outstanding search starts with two principles: immediate feedback and relevant results. Search-as-you-type experiences have become the standard since Google introduced Google Suggest and Google Instant on their search page in the 2000s. Users not only love the immediate feedback of instant experiences, they expect it. They also expect search to be excellent at understanding their intent, even when they misspell or forget words. Services like Algolia are designed to deliver instant, as-you-type, relevant results right from the first keystrokes. But what happens when the user's network is slow? What's relevant when the user didn't express intent yet? In this talk, we'll see how you can combine Algolia's client-side search with the power of Remix's server runtime to create snappy and delightful yet reliable and resilient search experiences that serve everyone. Speaker bio: Sarah is a Staff Software Engineer from Paris, France who works on front-end search experiences at Algolia. She created the Dinero.js monetary library and hosts the Developer Experience podcast show. She's passionate about building dynamic front-end experiences, and won't shut up about TDD and utility-first CSS. She shares what she learns on her blog and at tech conferences around the world. Learn more at https://remix.run/conf/2022/speakers/sarah-dayan

others / www.youtube.com2022-06-06

"Incremental Remix" by Jon Jensen at #RemixConf 💿

Remix is fantastic for building brand-new apps. But the truth is most of us are slogging away on crusty old ones. How can we incorporate Remix into our stacks without rewriting everything? And how can we effectively sell our teams on the benefits of adoption? In this talk we'll explore some strategies that will let you gradually adopt Remix, progressively enhancing your tech stack. Speaker bio: Jon is a Senior Software Engineer (Netflix) working to improve the developer experience for other UI engineers. Previously he worked at Amazon and Instructure working on various things software-y. In his spare time, he's usually in the mountains, playing Minecraft with his kids, or following the Red Food Truck around SLC. Learn more at https://remix.run/conf/2022/speakers/jon-jensen

others / www.youtube.com2022-06-06

"Magically Create Forms + Actions with Remix Forms" by Daniel Weinmann at #RemixConf 💿

One of the beautiful things about Remix is how easy it is to enhance it to make our lives easier. In this talk, I'll show you how I built Remix Forms and how I use it to: - Code only the parts of my forms that stray from our standard UI. The rest is magically rendered for me. - Never have to think again about client-side + server-side validations, pending indicators, and focus management (with focus on the first field with error even for server-side failures!) - Get form data, validate values, redirect or return errors with one helper. I focus on the mutation, not on the wiring. - Catch any typo or mistake right away with bulletproof typing, even for custom inputs. - Enjoy the autocomplete magic that comes along with it :) Speaker bio: In order to bring his startups to life, Daniel had to go through a 9-year journey to become the technical founder and CTO he needed in his teams. However, his real passion has always been the non-technical way, and having to spend his days coding took a toll on him. When Daniel was finally able to come back to the business side, he had a secret weapon: in his struggles to leave the technical life behind, he gained a deep understanding of what it takes for a non-technical founder to create successful startups. Beyond his own journey, he's helped tons of founders build world-class products over the last 20+ years. Along the way, he was CEO, CMO, and CTO of many startups. Daniel has also founded a few successful ones himself, including Mailee, which was sold to a Brazilian internet provider, and Catarse, the biggest crowdfunding platform in Latin America. Learn more at https://remix.run/conf/2022/speakers/daniel-weinmann

others / www.youtube.com2022-06-06

"Remix Your UI & UX to Another Level" by Arisa Fukuzaki at #RemixConf 💿

Build performant web apps with a full-stack framework, Remix. Remix focuses on the UI to enjoy fast & resilient UX. Experience the "Remix magic" that enables no fetching & pre-fetch all in parallel before users make actions. As Remix focuses on UI & UX, why not share the "Remix magic" with the business users? In this talk, we're going to see together the combination of the new generation of a full-stack framework, Remix & a visual editor integrated headless CMS (Storyblok). Are you ready to explore a whole new level of experience? Speaker bio: Arisa is a DevRel Engineer at Storyblok & an organizer of a free tech skill & knowledge-sharing community, Lilac. Her mission is to learn, speak, connect and help. In her private time, she is a podcaster, an Aikido fighter, and a GirlCode ambassador. Learn more at https://remix.run/conf/2022/speakers/arisa-fukuzaki

others / www.youtube.com2022-06-06

"Full Stack Fast: Data on the Edge" by Greg Brimble at #RemixConf 💿

Why force your users to settle for either loading skeletons or slow page renders? Remix can bring your application rendering to the edge, but what about your data? Why should every request have to call back to a single database cluster in Virginia? For the best performance and experience for your users, store your data on the edge, alongside the rest of your application. We'll discuss how the original colocated server and database configuration worked, how it evolved with Jamstack, improved with next-gen data services, and how today's technology supports a new architecture altogether. But distributed systems are notoriously hard to design for, and edge-based storage is no different, with the challenges of synchronicity being a particularly difficult problem. I'll highlight the benefits of edge-based storage, how it compares to the other options, and I'll showcase a truly global Remix application built with Cloudflare's KV, Durable Objects and R2. Speaker bio: Greg is a Systems Engineer at Cloudflare working on Cloudflare Pages in the Emerging Technologies and Incubation department. Cloudflare Pages is a full-stack developer platform and they were very excited to add support for Remix at the end of last year. Before Pages, Greg worked with Cloudflare's Speed Team where he learned to appreciate the Network tab of DevTools. Greg has also contributed to the Web Almanac and numerous open-source projects, and, most importantly, he has his fingers crossed for enough snow to go skiing after Remix Conf! ⛷ Learn more at https://remix.run/conf/2022/speakers/greg-brimble

others / www.youtube.com2022-06-06

"Expanding Remix with Rust" by Ben Wishovich at #RemixConf 💿

Remix's unique use of Loader and Action functions offers the unique opportunity to expand your data processing with Rust. Rust offers near native performance, memory safety through either the Node FFI or via compilation into WebAssembly. Learn the tricks to setup your Rust project to work with Remix, either on the server or the client, and take advantage of the most loved language with your favorite web framework! Speaker bio: Ben is a full stack web developer and software quality engineer with experience building high performance web applications. He's excited about using Remix and Rust to expand the possibilities and performance of the web app. When not coding, Ben might be found running around outside, cooking, or reading sci-fi in the sunny SF Bay Area. Learn more at https://remix.run/conf/2022/speakers/ben-wishovich

others / www.youtube.com2022-06-06

"Building Tech for Social Good with Low Code Tools" by Vic Vijayakumar at #RemixConf 💿

In this talk we are going to be talking about how to build hybrid apps that use a combination of frameworks like Remix and mixing them with no-code backends like Zapier and Airtable, so that they can be managed and modified by non-technical people. I will specifically go over how I replaced the admissions process at my children's preschool with a website and made them paperfree. Speaker bio: Vic is a Staff Engineer @ Eventbrite and indie software maker from Raleigh, North Carolina. He's a dad, runner, violinist, and is severely addicted to acquiring new hobbies. He has run the tech side of North Carolina's extremely popular Rare & Vintage Beer Festival for the last 10 years. Vic was previously in the scientific communications space and a technical cofounder of the Research Square platform, an inaugural recipient of the Fast Company "Brands that Matter" list for accelerating research communication during the pandemic. In his spare time, you can find Vic building LEGO with his family or out at the plant nursery adopting yet another plant. Learn more at https://remix.run/conf/2022/speakers/vic-vijayakumar

others / www.youtube.com2022-06-06

"Making Slow Responses Seem Fast with Stale while Revalidate" by Scott Smerchek at #RemixConf 💿

The Cache-Control header has been around since HTTP/1.1 in 1997, yet for many of us, it's not something we think about every day. The stale-while-revalidate extension was proposed as early as 2010, but was only widely supported in modern browsers in 2019. In this talk, I will show you the power of stale-while-revalidate and how you can take advantage of it in your Remix project to make your slow responses seem really fast! Speaker bio: Scott's a software engineer with over a decade of experience building web applications for healthcare enterprises from frontend, to APIs, and even infrastructure. Now Scott works at UDisc, a quickly growing disc golf company that is pushing the sport forward through technology. Scott's always favored working in the backend, but Remix is helping him to enjoy working across the full stack, once again. He's incredibly excited about the future of building web applications with Remix and the ease of deploying to the modern edge hosting providers. Learn more at https://remix.run/conf/2022/speakers/scott-smerchek

others / www.youtube.com2022-06-06

"Web Vitals: The Importance of Measuring a Great Web Experience" by Erick Tamayo at #RemixConf 💿

Nowadays, building a working web application is much more than deploying it to production. The impact on the way your app is delivered to your end-users is also important. Making your app experience better translates into more engagement, conversions, and revenue. That's why it is also vital (pun intended) to know how your application behaves, and that's where Web Vitals help us get a clear overview of how our app is doing. Speaker bio: Erick Tamayo was born in the Dominican Republic. He currently lives in Calgary Canada with his family. Erick's currently developing Metronome which is a tool for Real User Monitoring (RUM) specifically for Remix. He's been following Remix since 2020 and decided to join the community in 2021. Since then he's loved everything about Remix and its community! Learn more at https://remix.run/conf/2022/speakers/erick-tamayo

others / www.youtube.com2022-06-06

"Remix 3D Blast" by Nick Small at #RemixConf 💿

Whether you want to progressively enhance a traditional website or build an immersive 3D experience, Remix gives us a powerful and fun framework to create with WebGL and three.js. After deploying a 3D Remix experience to production, I've found that all the patterns that Remix provides are just as valuable even when we're not rendering to the DOM. In this talk, I'll show off some zany 3D antics to explain how Remix and react-three-fiber can work together to help you build fantastic experiences for your users. We'll focus on: getting react-three-fiber set up in a Remix app; using nested routes and layouts to render a scene; moving scene state to the server with loaders and actions; streaming dynamic 3D resources to the client using resource routes; and finally, transitions and optimistic UI... in 3D! 💿 Rachel the Remix Disc will offer some nifty optimization tips along the way. It'll be a GL-and-web-fundamentals-fuelled blast! Speaker bio: Nick is a long-time dev of many disciplines: JavaScript, full-stack, native, operating systems, game dev. He's motivated by improving people's lives by finding really bad software in consequential places and making it better. Nick's been an early employee at mission-driven companies like Shopify and Devoted Health; empowered citizens and civil servants at US Digital Service, Defense Digital Service, and the NATO mission in Afghanistan; and volunteered on projects to strengthen democracy and build municipal Open Data pipelines. These days Nick lives in the mountains with his wife and kids, and he's focused on tooling to let more people write more accessible software with fewer bugs. Go Remix. Active hobbies include: constructing crosswords (poorly), flying planes (successfully) (so far), building better houses (fingers crossed). Learn more at https://remix.run/conf/2022/speakers/nick-small

others / www.youtube.com2022-06-06

"Deno and Remix" by Ryan Dahl at #RemixConf 💿

In this talk Ryan will give an overview of Deno, a modern JavaScript runtime, and Deno Deploy, a serverless at edge JavaScript hosting service. He'll give a peak behind the sceenes at the technology powering Deno Deploy, and of course demo how to deploy a Remix app on it. Speaker bio: In 2009, Ryan Dahl released Node.js. Now, Ryan is the CEO of Deno, the company behind the Deno project: A modern runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript. Deno's deploy product is pushing this runtime in the future of modern web architecture via multi-regional deploys with an outrageously fast runtime. Learn more at https://remix.run/conf/2022/speakers/ryan-dahl

others / www.youtube.com2022-06-06

"State Machines on the Edge" by Erik Rasmussen at #RemixConf 💿

Modeling business logic with state machines has numerous benefits, from eliminating bugs caused by impossible states to visualizing the logic to communicate with non-technical shareholders to simply communicating user flow between technical colleagues. In this talk, I'm going to demonstrate, via live coding, how to combine the strengths of Remix and XState to create a checkout flow entirely on the backend. No. JavaScript. Required. Speaker bio: Erik is an expat American living in Spain. He's the author of Redux Form and Final Form, and is currently in love with TypeScript, XState, and Remix. His day job is using those technologies to build Centered.app, a tool to combat the Twitters' and Facebooks' attempts to steal your attention, and give it back to you to be more productive in your work. Learn more at https://remix.run/conf/2022/speakers/erik-rasmussen

others / www.youtube.com2022-06-06

"Remixing Hydrogen" by Anthony Frehner at #RemixConf 💿

Let's talk about some of the headaches of building headless Shopify e-commerce stores, and how Hydrogen-UI + Remix make it better. Pre-built Shopify components? Check. GraphQL auto-completion? Oh yeah. Speedy websites? Blazing fast. Speaker bio: Anthony Frehner is a frontend web developer and architect. He likes to contribute to open source when he has the time! Anthony is currently working on Hydrogen 🙂 Anthony's recently been providing feedback on a WICG proposal for which he also spent some time making a polyfill. He's a core-team member of the single-spa open source library, he occasionally give conference talks–here's Anthony's talk at React Rally 2019–and write technical articles, and he proposed a new CSS unit called vhc which eventually turned into the dvh, lvh, and svh (and equivalent *vw) CSS units, which was very exciting for him personally! Learn more at https://remix.run/conf/2022/speakers/anthony-frehner

others / www.youtube.com2022-06-06

"Instantaneously Interactive: Remix as a Browser Framework" by Shaundai Person at #RemixConf 💿

Your Remix app is so performant that–even without a solid internet connection–navigation on your site seems to happen almost instantaneously. Whether rendered on the client side or server side, pages load data quickly and all the information you users are interested in is on the screen without the wait. But why? In this talk, we discuss the optimizations in Remix for data fetching and rendering apps in the browser that enhance both the user experience and developer experience. Speaker bio: Shaundai is a Senior Software Engineer (Netflix) and educator based in Atlanta, GA, US. She is passionate about making programming interesting and approachable for all, and does that through her work as a course instructor (tsforjs.com), co-lead for React Robins (reactrobins.com), and technical blogger. In her spare time, Shaundai loves to go hiking, jogging, and listen to audiobooks. Find her on Twitter at @shaundai. Learn more at https://remix.run/conf/2022/speakers/shaundai-person

others / www.youtube.com2022-06-06

"How to WebPageTest" by Henri Helvetica at #RemixConf 💿

You cannot improve what you do not measure, and measuring page performance is at the heart of providing marvellous user experiences. "How To WebPageTest" is a talk where I will demonstrate how modern profiling using WebPageTest will provide the best insights. I'll show you tips and tricks on how to interpret the results, and I'll also expose you to key features that are best in class in performance testing. Speaker bio: Henri is a developer who has turned his interests to a passionate mix of site performance engineering and pinches of user experience, which led to his joining Catchpoint Systems on the WebPageTest Team. When not reading the deluge of daily research docs and case studies, or profiling sites in his favourite tools, Henri can be found contributing back to the community: Toronto Web Performance Group meetup + Jamstack Toronto organizer, curating conference content or volunteering his time for lunch and learns at various bootcamps. Otherwise, Henri is focusing on running the fastest 5k possible (surprise surprise), encouraging a healthy lifestyle via #devsWhoRun. Learn more at https://remix.run/conf/2022/speakers/henri-helvetica

others / www.youtube.com2022-06-06

"Remix Conf 2022 Keynote" by Michael Jackson at #RemixConf 💿

Michael will kick the inaugural Remix Conference off! Speaker bio: Michael Jackson is the CEO and co-creator/co-founder of Remix. He is the co-author of React Router and a prolific contributor to open source. He is the creator of unpkg.com and gets a kick out of discussing distributed system design as much as he enjoys front-end architecture. Michael lives in Carlsbad, CA with his wife, two boys, and two girls. Learn more at https://remix.run/conf/2022/speakers/michael-jackson