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others / www.youtube.com2024-03-15

Understanding the Steps of Migrating Your Remix App to Vite.js

Remix 2.7 introduced official Vite support, making it ideal to migrate our Remix Apps to Vite. In today's episode, we'll step by step migrate a base Remix App to Vite. 00:00 Introduction 00:14 Step 1: Setup Vite 00:40 Step 2: HMR & HDR 00:58 Step 3: TypeScript Integration 01:26 Step 4: Migrating Remix App Server 02:00 Step 5: Path Aliases 02:26 Step 6: Remove @remix-run/css-bundle 03:00 Step 7: Enabling TailwindCSS 03:24 App Migration (Remix + Vite)

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"Next gen HMR in Remix" by Pedro Cattori at #RemixConf 2023 💿

How does Remix update your browser in dev? It's more than just watch mode, live reload, or even HMR. Let's dive into how Remix offers a world-class dev experience. Speaker Bio: Pedro Cattori is a software engineer on the Remix team at Shopify. He lives in Washington, D.C. He works on the Remix compiler, dev server, TypeScript integration, and writing algorithms that the rest of the team pretends to understand and prefers to never look at. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/pedro-cattori

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"Web beyond the edge" by Igor Minar & Nevi Shah at #RemixConf 2023 💿

Edge computing is increasingly being adopted by web developers these days to improve UX and decrease latency of their applications. Cloudflare Workers, Deno Deploy, Netlify Edge Functions, and Vercel Edge Functions, all have made edge computing available to developers of full stack applications. With this adoption new architectural patterns and anti-patterns for building web applications have emerged. In this talk we’ll cover how developers can utilize edge computing to build full-stack applications and what are the strengths and weaknesses of this approach. We’ll also look into the future — beyond the edge, and explore how thinking of the network as the computer will fundamentally change the architecture of web applications in order to make building planet-scale applications accessible to everyone. Speaker Bio: Nevi Shah is a Product Manager at Cloudflare. She works on Cloudflare Pages and Cloudflare D1. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/nevi-shah Speaker Bio: Igor Minar is a software engineer at Cloudflare and co-creator of AngularJS, Angular, and Karma. He has spent the last 15 years helping developers by building infrastructure, APIs, and tooling for the Web. Igor built some of the biggest web development communities during his time at Google. He collaborated with the TypeScript team to bring type-checking and better tooling to developers, as well as browser vendors to design and improve web APIs. He has also worked to establish pragmatic best practices in the web ecosystem by creating conventional commits and many evergreen libraries. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/igor-minar

others / www.youtube.com2023-05-17

"When things go wrong, get errors right!" by Glenn Reyes at #RemixConf 2023 💿

When we build web applications, pretty much always the fun part of it is the happy path: That everything works! But what if something goes wrong? It’s so easy to oversee all the error instances which naturally leads to not covering them well enough. Let’s discuss challenges about errors and explore patterns and tools that can help us make better user experiences when things go wrong. Speaker Bio: Glenn is a software engineer, tech speaker and workshop instructor with a passion for building innovative products and beautiful user interfaces using cutting edge web technologies and open source software such as React, GraphQL and TypeScript. Aside from tech, you’ll find him either traveling, on a road bike or playing the guitar. https://remix.run/conf/2023/speakers/glenn-reyes