A platform for sharing everything about Remix
A platform for sharing everything about Remix
Should you host your Remix app on a serverless provider like Netlify, Vercel, Cloudflare Pages, or AWS Lambda? Or a long-lived server like Fly, Render, Railway, or DigitalOcean? This guide will help you choose the right hosting option for your app.
An example of prisma working on cloudflare pages with Remix
Remix is a full stack web framework that lets you focus on the user interface and work back through web fundamentals to deliver a fast, slick, and resilient user experience that deploys to any Node.js server and even non-Node.js environments at the edge like Cloudflare Workers. In this episode, we interviewed Ryan Florence, co-founder at
Learn how to deploy a Remix app with GitLab and Cloudflare Workers.
A React component for responsive images in Remix
Remix run stack built for the edge (cloudflare pages and d1)
A storefront starter kit for Vendure built with Remix
📜 All-in-one remix starter template for Cloudflare Workers
Using sessions with Remix is a pretty straightforward task. Usually, you put your session data into a...
A Hono adapter for Remix apps using Cloudflage Pages
📜 All-in-one remix starter template for Cloudflare Pages
In this video I'll be going over how I rebuilt my personal website - codewithkristian.com - for 2022. I'll cover the tools I use, how I wrote the code, and how I deployed it, without spending any money*. 00:00 Intro 00:43 What we're doing 01:50 Buying a new domain 03:50 Setting up a new codebase project 07:23 Coding timelapse 07:53 Viewing the finished product 08:45 Pushing the project to GitHub 11:44 Deploying the project to the web 16:28 Conclusion * Registering a custom domain (codewithkristian.com) costs money! View the source for this project: https://github.com/codewithkristian/landing-page Cloudflare Registrar - cheap (at-cost) domain registrar: https://www.cloudflare.com/learning/dns/what-is-cloudflare-registrar/ Remix - new React.js framework that I'm digging: https://remix.run Cloudflare Pages - deploy Jamstack applications easily with dope performance: https://pages.cloudflare.com WATCH MY FREE ONLINE COURSES: ⛅ Introduction to Cloudflare Workers - https://egghead.io/courses/introduction-to-cloudflare-workers-5aa3 🚀 Build a Serverless API - https://egghead.io/courses/build-a-serverless-api-with-cloudflare-workers-d67ca551 💾 Build Data-Driven Applications on the Edge - https://egghead.io/courses/build-data-driven-applications-on-the-edge-with-workers-and-workers-kv-4932f3ea MY FAVORITE GEAR: 🎥 Camera - https://geni.us/PAvvcAI 🎤 Best Mic for Narration - https://geni.us/hT3zR8c MY FAVORITE SOFTWARE: 📑 My text editor of choice for code - https://code.visualstudio.com 🎵 Where I get my Music (amazing for YouTubers) - https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/edhm1x FOLLOW KRISTIAN: 💌 Sign up to my weekly email newsletter - https://www.getrevue.co/profile/codewithkristian 🌍 My website / blog - https://www.codewithkristian.com 🐦 Twitter - https://twitter.com/codewithkristian WHO AM I: I'm Kristian! I make YouTube videos, teach people how to code, and work as an engineering manager in tech. I make videos teaching developers the fundamentals that they need to succeed in their programming careers. I'm into music and live in Austin, Texas with my girlfriend and my dog. Thanks for watching! 👋 🌍 My website / blog - https://www.codewithkristian.com GET IN TOUCH: I'd love to chat! Tweet at me, or send me a DM: @codewthkristian. I'd love to answer any questions you have while watching my videos, or if you have video suggestions, hit me up! PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜
Run Remix with Prisma on Cloudflare Workers
Drizzle is a typescript ORM for type-safe database access and automatic migrations. Add it to your Remix app to get started with Cloudflare D1.
Before we outline all the steps to deploy a Remix application on CloudFlare workers, we’d like to take a moment to explain what the Edge Network is...
🗃 Blog built with Remix, deployed to Cloudflare workers
A demo of Remix running on Cloudflare workers.
Northwind Traders implemented on Remix + CF Pages + D1
JSON Hero is an open-source, beautiful JSON explorer for the web that lets you browse, search and navigate your JSON files at speed. 🚀
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Those are some lovely honeycomb spans you've got there... be a shame if something happened to them.
hono remix vite on cloudflare ,use vite as local dev tools ,and can access cloudflare kv